Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Object Model ENUM

Overview Of Team Foundation Server. Abstract: With Visual Studio Team System (VSTS), Microsoft has made available an integrated set of tools which are used by members of the software development team. All the tools used by various roles work on the same data which makes them integrated.


Represents the Work Item Tracking client connection to a server that is running Team Foundation Server.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Assembly: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.dll)


The WorkItemStore type exposes the following members.


WorkItemStore(String)Initializes a new instance of the WorkItemStore class that is connected to the server that is running Team Foundation Server that is specified by the computer name.
WorkItemStore(TeamFoundationServer)Obsolete. Initializes a new instance of the WorkItemStore class that is connected to the specified TeamFoundationServer instance.
WorkItemStore(TfsTeamProjectCollection)Initializes a new instance of the WorkItemStore class that is connected to the specified TfsTeamProjectCollection instance.



CallingProcessIdentityObsolete. Gets or sets the string that identifies the calling process to the server.
CultureInfoGets the localization environment that is used by the client.
DiagnosticsGets the diagnostics object that is associated with this server connection.
FieldDefinitionsGets the collection of field definitions that are associated with this WorkItemStore instance.
ProjectsGets the collection of Projects that is associated with this WorkItemStore instance.
RegisteredLinkTypesGets the cached RegisteredLinkTypeCollection that is associated with this server.
ServerInfoGets the server information object that contains all features that are supported by the server.
TeamFoundationServerObsolete. Gets the connection to the server that is running Team Foundation Server.
TeamProjectCollectionGets the connection to the server that is running Team Foundation Server.
TimeZoneGets the time zone of the client.
UserDisplayModeGets the mode in which user account information is displayed for this work item store.
WorkItemLinkTypesGets the cached WorkItemLinkTypeCollection that is associated with the server.



BatchSave(array<WorkItem[])Commits multiple items in a branch and returns a list of errors if one or more items fail.
BatchSave(array<WorkItem[], SaveFlags)Commits multiple items in a branch and returns a list of errors if one or more items fail.
DestroyWorkItemsDestroys work items that have the specified IDs.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
ExportGlobalListsExports all data that is stored in the database global lists to an XmlDocument.
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
GetQueryDefinitionGets a query definition that is identified by the specified GUID.
GetReferencingWorkItemUrisGets an array of work item uniform resource identifiers (URIs) that point to the specified work item.
GetStoredQueryObsolete. Gets a stored query by GUID.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
GetWorkItem(Int32)Gets the work item that has the specified ID.
GetWorkItem(Uri)Gets the work item at the specified URI.
GetWorkItem(Int32, DateTime)Gets the previous state of a work item that is specified by ID and date.
GetWorkItem(Int32, Int32)Gets the previous state of a work item that is specified by ID and revision number.
GetWorkItem(Uri, DateTime)Gets the work item state from a specific time for viewing.
GetWorkItem(Uri, Int32)Gets the work item state from a specific revision for viewing.
GetWorkItemIdsForArtifactUrisA list of artifact links that are paired with their referencing work items.
ImportGlobalLists(String)Imports specified global lists (in XML format) into the database.
ImportGlobalLists(XmlElement)Imports global lists into the database.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Query(String)Executes the query that is described in wiql and returns a collection of work items.
Query(array<Int32[], String)Gets the set of fields that is referred to in wiql for the work items that are specified by an ID number (ids).
Query(String, IDictionary)Executes the query that is described in wiql and the parameters that are described in context.
Query(BatchReadParameterCollection, String)Gets the set of fields that is referred to in Wiql for the work items that are specified by the ID/revision pairs in batchReadParams.
Query(array<Int32[], array<Int32[], String)Gets the set of fields that is referred to in wiql for the work items that are specified by an ID number, ids, and revision (revs).
Query(array<Int32[], String, DateTime)Gets the set of fields that is referred to in wiql for the work items that are specified by an ID number (ids) as of the date that is specified in asof.
QueryCount(String)Gets the number of items that would be returned if the query was executed.
QueryCount(String, IDictionary)Gets the number of items that would be returned if the query was executed.
RefreshCacheCalls the back end to refresh cached metadata.
SyncToCacheSync to the last version of the cache.
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)



ImportEventHandlerAn event that occurs during ImportGlobalLists call.
MetadataChangedAn event that occurs when metadata is changed after the change is processed by the object model.
MetadataChangingObsolete. An event that occurs when metadata is changed before the change is processed by the object model.



For more information about using this type, see Create a Work Item By Using the Client Object Model for Team Foundation.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

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See Also
